Hay everyone this one is coming straight from yours truly "Moneybags", I just thought I would let you know my #1 Goal when I started this blog it was because I wanted to spread the word about topics & big events that may sometimes, even though very important, go over looked or don't get enough exposure I don't bring you all this really good and informative news,research,and my humble opinion just to take up space, I do it because I really DO care! But the now the ball is in YOUR court, Do YOU really care?! Cause I know you all have opinions too so SPEAK UP YOU GUYS! Get involved somehow, you could:
- Join Our Army to stay updated
- Leave a comment with your url on a post you really like
- Have a topic or issue that you think should be shared with the world leave it as a comment on a post you think is relavent to your subject and that's it!(Note: Product advertisements will not be published.)
OH! If your wonderin why I keep saying "our" it's because I don't think of 'Taste the Rainbows' as just MY blog it's YOURS TOO!
Mucho Mucho Thanks in advance for taking out the the time to stop and Taste our assortment of Rainbows from all of us here @ 'Taste the Rainbows' THANK YOU!
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Penalties for violating these rules will be as follows
Deletion and non-publishing of the document containing violation. If there is a repeat in violating the rules that user will be blocked from commenting or e-mailing @ Taste the Rainbows and an immediate bulletin post will be published warning other bloggers who have join and/or linked with Taste the Rainbows.