How to Customize Your Blogger Template: With a Meta Tag Generator

If you would like to nearly triple your web traffic in 48hours then listen up. I recommend using a Meta tag generator, you could write your own Meta tags but 'XHTML' is so touchy chances are you'll keep getting an error message,

  • Fill out the Meta tag form. Don't worry about the login/sign-up at the top of the form it isn't necessary.

Once you fill out the form for your Meta tags and click the Create Meta tags button all that's left to do is copy the code you get by highlighting it then right clicking your mouse then select copy or you could press "ctrl" then press "c" (to copy) and press "ctrl" then press "v"(to paste)

  • Net open the 'Layout' tab in your blogger account then go to the 'Edit HTML' sub tab but just to be on the safe side back up your template first by clicking the Download Full Template link at the top of the page once you open the 'Edit HTML' sub tab.
  • Then paste your Meta tag code:
  • Once You've created and inserted your own Meta tags successfully click the button below to sign up with a Webcrawler/Meta tag Search Engine and then go to Bravenet to get free web tools/widgets like a free guestbook, free feedback forms, a search box for your web page, and a whole lot more widgets and flash gadgets that will make your website or blog more appealing and user friendly, it's all FREE and there is no trial time limits :)

Search Engine Optimization and SEO Tools
Remember that this is all free of charge to you but telling your friends or blogging about this post then back linking to it would be greatly appreciated.

FYI: If you don't see a thank you page after submitting your site to the above search engine then you should redo it because that means it was not submitted. Thank You!:)

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How to create a facebook application

Coming soon facebook is having some problem with their application editor it won't allow me to save anything to my app.

News Update on this...I have tried to make a facebook app a few more times but if your a regular on facebook then you know about all of their many glitches so the wait for this post continues, sorry.

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Offshore oil drilling is it a Good thing or Bad thing???

free glitter text and family website at

1. True or False? - The U.S. burns 24% of the world’s oil but only has 3% of the world’s oil reserves…..TRUE    
     But is their really any correlation (or connection) between increased oil drilling and lower gas prices!? The number of drilling permits did increase 361% from 1999-07 but still that didn’t stop gas prices from more than doubling in less than a decade!2. So will more oil drilling result in lower gas prices for the U.S.? I think not. WHY? Cause crude oil prices are set by the Global Oil Market and that means that all of the oil produced around the world is sold at the same price -Translation for gas suppliers buy high sell higher- and U.S. citizens wouldn’t get a mark down on gas prices just because we are drilling on U.S. soil.
3. Did you know? - That the U.S. requires all automobiles to achieve 35 mpg by the year 2020 we will then be saving 1 MILLION barrels of oil per day!!!


                    - Custom Glitter Graphics Generators and more..
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How to increase virtual memory of your computer.

How to increase Virtual Memory?

In Windows XP

1.Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

2.Click Performance and Maintenance, and then click System.

3.On the Advanced tab, under Performance, click Settings.

4.On the Advanced tab, under Virtual memory, click Change.

5.Under Drive [Volume Label], click the drive that contains the paging file that you want to change.

6.Under Paging file size for selected drive, click to Custom size check box. You can enter the amount of memory you would like to reserve for Virtual memory by entering the initial and maximum size.

7.Click Set

When you are prompted to restart the computer, click Yes.

Special Note: You should choose the same amount for the initial size and maximum size. This will Stop your CPU from constantly changing the paging file.

HOT TIP: To stop your CPU from constantly changing the paging file, set the initial and maximum size to the same value. For example, 500 and 500. The value should be at least 1.5 times more than your physical RAM. If your computer has 512MB of RAM increase the virtual memory paging file to 1.5*512= 768

In Vista

1. Click Start button Picture of the Start button

2. Click Control Panel

3. Choose System and Maintenance and then click System.

4. In the left pane, click Advanced system settings.

5.On the Advanced tab, under Performance, click Settings.

6. Click the Advanced tab, and then, under Virtual memory, choose Change.

7. Click Custom to change the Initial size (MB) and Maximum size. See the hot tip above.

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