Effective Article Marketing

When your marketing through your articles, it's a Million times better to write good quality articles rather than to churn out your everyday crap-of-the-meal mass produced junk, but we'll just call them junk articles from now on. You don't have to be an award winning writer to put out a great article. What makes a great article: 

  • Simplicity, don't make it too complicated and remember synonyms can serve as a great replacement for large, difficult to pronounce, or rarely used words.
  • Relate, your experiences in the article, if you have none be honest about that while at the same time encouraging others to share their experiences with similar services and products to what your offering then highlight the pros and cons of both in you favor, this will offset bad press due to lack of experience with a particular service or product and shows you're open to every one's thoughts and/or concerns.
  • Spelling and Grammar, is a big one. Who will recommend a product or service that's being marketed in an article filled with misspelled words, poor punctuation, or Internet one comes to mind I thought not. People are less focused on spelling and grammar when it's on a personal website or some other platform that's not meant specifically to attract their wallets, but when it  comes to Article Marketing it's shape up or ship out. So try running your article through a spelling and grammar check program before publishing then reread it yourself just to be sure.
  • Prove it, site your sources for your findings in your article geared towards getting people to open not only their minds but their wallets. If you don't have any specific sources that readers can go check out themselves then detail what research you did to come to the conclusion and basic point of your article this well win you some brownie points with your readers.
Now that we've gotten those Article Writing basics out of the way lets move on to some Article Marketing Do's and Don'ts:

Do write articles that provide solid information that shows how your product or service can be helpful to the needs of your readers/potential customers.

Don't boast about your company or you, save that for the media(or press releases)simply highlight and inform others about how your products and/or services can be of help or service to them.

Do select article topics that would allow you to some shed light on the things unknown or that simplify the complicated.

Don't write about topics that are too broad in range try to narrow down the topic to specifics. Lets say you right an article on Marketing Strategy, you wouldn't name the article 'Marketing Strategy' that's too broad and because of that it would probably get overlooked or ignored by readers because they aren't sure if your article is what they're looking for and since there are some many article just like your on the Internet they wouldn't take the time to read it, for fear of it being disappointing and a waste of time.

Do learn what makes a good headline. A lot of effective headlines include numbers, provide content specifics, and power words(great key words).
you want

Don't take headlines or article tags for granted you NEED them if you want to not only want to get your article read but found through search engines, being found through a search engine translates to free organic traffic.

I hope I've helped you with your venture into effective article marketing and if I have I'd really like to know so leave a comment on how this post has helped you in some way. Best Wishes :-)

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The World Wide Rave

What is a World Wide Rave?

No, it's not a massive rave party that's happening at the same time all around the world but just in different places. WWR is when a mass amount of people around the globe can't stop talking about you, your company, and your products. And when online buz drives buyers, bloggers, and fans to your site simply because they want to be there.

How do you achieve World Wide Rave Status?

Those of you who are Star Wars junkies should recognize this next quote "You must unlearn what you have learned." this phrased was quoted by Yoda in Star Wars. So how do you "unlearn" things we here are a few pointers:

  1. Unlearn the use of jargon(or slang) about your products or services, instead try to get rig to the needs and/or problems of your buyer persona's(identity).
  2. Unlearn spin(invented stories or lies). Realize that people not only crave but applaud and respect authenticity along with transparency. 
  3. Unlearn interrupting people with messages(aka:bothersome pop ups). Go the opposite direction and just publish the content that they want to read.
  4. Unlearn being egotistical(self-interested) forcing others to adapt  your terms. Create online content geared towards addressing buyer needs as well.
  5. Unlearn the assumption(hypothesis)that charging for access is a plus, because that isn't always the case. If you create something that becomes popular enough to rank WWR status then don't put the price tag on the access to your content put it on the product or service it self and then let the millions of people connected to the Internet tell & sell your story for you.
Even though this may sound a wee-bit overbearing right now just try to take it one step at a time an see how far it gets you. Don't forget that you have my happiest thoughts and best wishes, Thank You for reading come back soon :-)

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